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Harry Potter


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harry_potter's Timeline

Reviewed Philips DVD 320

Nov 16, 2005 07:50 PM 4984 Views

(Updated Nov 16, 2005 07:50 PM)

I hate watching movies on PC, so I had to find a way to watch all the new movies coming only on CDs and DVDs. I decided to buy a DVD player and started looking at the market. The philips 'Ramu' ad had me hooked. I checked all over the web and found this cute little piece. Reading certain 'How...Read more

Reviewed Eye Of The World, The - Robert Jordan

Nov 11, 2005 03:46 PM 1557 Views

(Updated Nov 11, 2005 03:46 PM)

I have been introduced to Robert Jordan by my cousin. He wanted Half blood prince badly which I had, and I was only ready for a barter and nothing else. So he got the first part of the series 'Eye of the world' from a cousin of his and completed the deal. Even its size was attractive as I had no...Read more

Commented on m_sthosh's review

Nov 09, 2005 04:56 PM

An insight from an audiophile is always good to have when am considering buying LX 600. Thanks for the great review. HP

Followed Elwing

Feb 25, 2005 01:39 PM


Commented on Elwing's review

Feb 25, 2005 01:32 PM

Aditi, I totally agree with every point in your review. Agreed its a good movie and a great try at that! But definitely not Oscar material. It is loud at times, AB is loud at times and sometimes he's so good esp near his amnesiac scenes, he's brilliant. Keep them coming! you really write well, ...I especially liked your 'train wreck' comment. - KeerthiRead More

Reviewed Shockwave - Colin Forbes

Feb 11, 2005 12:35 PM 1941 Views

(Updated Feb 11, 2005 12:35 PM)

I read some other book of Forbes but can't remember it for the life of me. Wasn't impressed then and am not now. A British head of intelligence when involved in a murder conspiracy, how he escapes it, proves himself innocent and saves the world forms the crux of the story. No side stories, no...Read more

Commented on own review

Dec 22, 2004 02:35 PM

I have always been of the mind that storyline actually ruins a comment, but as you have said I should have atleast given an outline of the plot. Will Keep that in mind for my future reviews. Thanks.

Reviewed Hammer of Eden, The - Ken Follett

Dec 09, 2004 06:19 PM 2481 Views

(Updated Dec 09, 2004 06:22 PM)

The title is interesting.... as if the paradise has gotten so mad at you that it wants to hit you with its hammer :)) This is my second Ken Follett book. Actually I was not in the least impressed by the first one I read 'The Third Twin'. Seemed too outlandish an idea to me. Crichton makes the...Read more

Commented on Mr_Gautam's review

Nov 29, 2004 08:14 PM

Your review was good. I was trying to remember the story, your review helped. :) Read 'If tomorrow comes'. Its the best Sheldon Novel ever.

Commented on jilmil's review

Oct 27, 2004 01:23 PM

sheldon is a he, an old man in fact :) I need to read the rest of the books u have suggested. then will come back later and comment more.

Reviewed Chances - Jackie Collins

Sep 23, 2004 06:02 PM 2368 Views

(Updated Sep 23, 2004 06:02 PM)

I picked this book up coz I saw her name in the bookstore a lot number of times and that too with lot of titles to her name and wondered what she was all about. This time I wanted to know for myself. Sometimes trying new authors just based on their name instead of the content of the book pays...Read more

Reviewed Numbered Account - Christopher Reich

Jul 20, 2004 05:02 PM 2274 Views

(Updated Jul 20, 2004 05:02 PM)

While I was browsing through a book store, this book caught my eye as I happened to remember something my friend once commented about it. Bought it but chanced opening quite sometime later. The book is really dreary to start with. There is no clear path for the story to progress. Whatever pat...Read more

Reviewed Adventurers, The - Harold Robbins

May 11, 2004 05:13 PM 4101 Views

(Updated May 11, 2004 05:13 PM)

I liked Carpetbaggers a lot. That was what made me pick this book up from the library. Let me start the review with a trial to summarize the novel. It is really difficult to do so as there is not much of a story. Its about a person called DAX. He's from a small country called Corteguay from S...Read more

Reviewed Amsterdam - Ian McEwan


Apr 19, 2004 01:25 PM 5132 Views

(Updated Apr 19, 2004 01:25 PM)

The story was different, I mean the presentation of the events of people's lives was. But I didn't find it any spectacular. It is a story of the past lovers' of a woman and their interaction with each other and her husband after her death. The future of the main characters can be predicted on...Read more

Reviewed Strange Obsession - Shobha De

Mar 11, 2004 12:36 PM 7118 Views

(Updated Mar 11, 2004 12:36 PM)

I just wanted to read a book by Shobha De. I picked up Strange Obsession in the library, went home and started reading it. I didnt like the first few chapters itself. The starting itself is so dull. After the first few chapters, I lost interest, but wanted to complete it to see whether there ...Read more