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By: annuviswanath | Posted Mar 07, 2009 | General | 652 Views | (Updated Mar 07, 2009 11:36 AM)

This a special message to all the women on International Women's Day.

1.Those are married for more than 20 years.

  1. Those who continue to live with their partners enduring all the nonsense that he does.

  2. Those women despite having all the requisite characteristics of a perfect housewife, doesn't get the necessary reciprocation from their partners.

4.Those women who have spent more than even 25 years waiting in expectation for their husbands to change their attitude into a positive one.

  1. Those women who have been spending their life completely unaware of her conjugal rights.

6.Those women who have spent their life enduring a non-performing husband ( I mean in bed and in profession) and also serving them like a nurse in their illness till they die.

7.Those women who have to deal with husbands with psycho-sexual disorders.

8.Those women who have been abandoned by their own maternal members leaving them at the mercy of the husbands and in-laws to suffer.

9.Those women who do not have anybody to share their woes and suffer silently.

And last but not the least

  1. Those women who are financially independent, professionally qualified and are have all the necessary requisites to lead an independent life continue to live in an abused marriage because of lack of guts.

Kudos to all these women.

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