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Sabu Alex


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sabualex's Timeline

Commented on kashyapgaurav1112's review

May 06, 2019 03:37 PM

Has anyone successfully tried accessing internet using 3G / 4G dongle plugged-in to the USB port as advertised? I have this router but i am unable to connect the dongles i have.

Commented on abhi1609's review

Jun 05, 2011 10:32 AM

what was the problem, you have not mentioned abt it.

Commented on rahultomahawk's review

Jun 05, 2011 10:23 AM

u are lucky to get yr engine replaced.....

Commented on getjimin's review

Dec 08, 2010 07:26 PM

Using the bonnet is a old habit carried over from the Ambassador days.

Commented on itsmesuresh's review

May 03, 2010 01:18 AM

if u do a li'l bit of investigating you would find that all (most) of the Volvo owners are either politicians themselves or are directly connected to them. So they are out to make a killing and not really bothered to carry you in comfort

Commented on hemant1980's review

May 01, 2010 08:20 AM

I own a Tata Indica Petrol (1400cc), circa 2004. The boot is very small compared to Maruti Swift or other cars in its league. This is due to the housing of Mc. Pherson strut of rear suspension sticking into the boot area which kills available space drastically. Maruti Swift on the other hand has gon...e for a torsion rod suspension, which does not eat into boot space. I believe the new Vista too has the same problem, unless they have changed the rear suspension design..But nice to new the Tata indicas are improving with each version upgrade.Read More

Commented on MICKEY62's review

Apr 08, 2010 11:40 PM

I doubt if eating such stuff for a life time can be healthy. I think every commercial product has lot of artificial preservatives, colouring agents and ajinomoto (monosodium glutamate), which are bad for health. I believe such stuff should only be eaten when there is no other option. I would not rec...ommend it as a regular diet, however tasty it is to eat.Read More

Commented on r_kantsharma's review

Apr 08, 2010 11:35 PM

Don't believe all what you see in pictures. In reality the flag must have been way off from her.

Commented on pravish78's review

Apr 08, 2010 07:54 AM

unfortunately all are mixed up in this game and the common man does not have any voice nor will they ever unite for such causes. The only unity they show is when its abt religion or they want to whip up regional feelings. Are generic drugs really potent? FDA, I think never makes any surprise chec...ks on drug manufacturers. They are only there to act on complaints or intervene when they don't get thier cut.Read More

Commented on sunilj20's review

Apr 08, 2010 07:42 AM

I learned one thing, nothing is this world ever comes free. There is always a catch or deceit.

Commented on Boogeyman's review

Feb 15, 2010 11:02 PM

Your review is good but I did not understand why you called it pro-muslim propaganda in the title.

Commented on muralidhar_bn's review

Feb 12, 2010 08:03 PM

These days it is difficult to tell the real ones from fake. You see branded items sold at outlets like Big Bazaar at huge discounts. Some look genuine but old. Now how to know if they are genuine. You also find Reebok and other branded products given along with Annual subscription to magazines. I always wondered if these products are genuine. Can any one share their experience? Until then I think buying from an authorized outlet us our only hope.Read More

Commented on car_lover's review

Feb 06, 2010 11:10 AM

I used to be a fan and would advocate buying woodland shoes to all my friends. I used 2 pairs one after the other for many years and with full satisfaction. The soles of my first pair wore out after 5 years but the leather was still intact when I discarded it. My second pair lasted for over 7 yrs an...d finally it got stolen. I again opted to buy a woodland shoe and purchased one on discount for around 2000 rupees. The shoe looks great but so uncomfortable as it is hard. The buckles for lace are fixed with plastic rivets and 2 of the 4 main buckles broke free in a month. I also noticed my lace scuffing and wearing out. On the whole not a comfortable shoe but looks great. Slips a little on smooth surfaces too.Read More

Commented on james-abraham's review

Feb 06, 2010 10:52 AM

I do not understand why people get into the same trap. I have the same product and I had some issues which i have reviewed here. On the whole after sales service of forbes sucks.

Reviewed BSNL Broadband

Jan 27, 2010 07:59 PM 5374 Views

(Updated Jan 27, 2010 08:09 PM)

I could not find an approprite category for my review. This ia a review about BSNL online payment web portal. I have been using the BSNL web site for paying my land-line phone bills on-line since July-2009. The URL is: You have to first re...Read more

Commented on own review

Jan 26, 2010 12:05 AM

Since there is a 1000 word limit i am forced to write my last para here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have one general observation on the general build quality of all our Airports including the newly constructed ones. It is ...sad to say there is a lot lacking in the fit and finish. A keen eye can easily spot Ill-fitting wall panels, chipped tiles, miss-aligned false ceiling, missing screws, door latches missing, Gaps in joints, electrical wires that are hanging, hand driers in toilets that are kaput, water faucets that leak and drip and many more such things. Maybe we do not deserve good things in life. Many of us would hardly notice all the little imperfections. In that respect all I can say is we are yet to reach that level of perfection. Shamshabad is the only airport that is close to international standards. The day every passenger is able to find his own the way from check-in to boarding, all by himself, without asking anyone for help, we can truly say we have achieved perfection in our systems and call ourselves world class. Coming back, in my opinion Air India scores almost an 8 out of 10. I would not mind traveling on Air India again.Read More

Reviewed Air India

Jan 25, 2010 11:52 PM 7988 Views

(Updated Jan 26, 2010 12:00 AM)

In Aug-2009 I decided to utilize my LLTC to visit Andaman and with a little scouting around I found Indian Airlines offered the lowest fare at that moment. I thus booked a return ticket to Port Blair via Chennai, to leave Vizag on 18th Jan-2010 and return on 23rdIt was not the first time I was f...Read more

Commented on ragavj86's review

Jan 25, 2010 07:06 PM

Air India is not that bad as we make PSU's to be. Your experience shows that there are still honest sincere people around, but sometimes hierarchy does not work and you find lot of missing links in their service. If you are an Indian you wound not mind such small irritants and tend to ignore them or... suffer it without complaining, blaming it on karma. May Air India prosper........Read More

Commented on own review

Jan 15, 2010 07:21 PM

Thank you derebail. I believe in serving the masses, especially students who go for entry level phones. I bought it for my son but I am thinking of using this phone for its amazing battery life. It's got a good multiple phone-book feature.

Reviewed Nokia 5030

Jan 15, 2010 06:57 PM 3473 Views

(Updated Jan 15, 2010 07:35 PM)

I purchased a Nokia 5030 cell phone on 09-01-2010 from Cell point, Gajuwaka, Visakhapatnam, AP for Rs. 1950/- .The MRP on box is Rs. 2229/-. There were no offers except for 12 months extended warranty by Nokia Care protect on payment of 512/-+ taxes to be registered at a Nokia care outlet and no...Read more