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Sudeep Singh


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ideasingh's Timeline

Commented on own review

Aug 09, 2015 02:50 PM

8 years down the line - i wonder why I was so angry on those guys :) BUT my stand remains the same... i still use cards wisely !

Followed jainshobhit

Oct 11, 2011 01:20 PM


Commented on badexperience's review

Oct 11, 2011 11:27 AM

If your dad also had the same car & had so many problems then why in the first place did you buy the same car again ?

Commented on derebail2008's article


Mar 24, 2010 02:11 AM

Keep thinking Folks the prices have gone up from 1800 to 2800 Rs/ SQft @ DLF New town, construction is delayed - BUT has now started. Book with a longterm horizon of possession by Mid or late 2012. Thanks Umesh for the good detailing that you have done!

Commented on mjsankar's review

Mar 20, 2010 06:09 PM

He has written a review on Wagon R & not on EECo - probably got to shift his comments to another category ..

Commented on Bookish's review

Feb 05, 2009 07:15 PM

It might not be a great work of literature, but is for sure worth reading, simple and crisp. And yes you can relate to things ... if you have seen the darkness, the Naxals, the mining mafia, the GB Road in Delhi, Whitefield in Bangalore and also the 5star hotels and also the small servant quarters the basement of BIG housing complexes.......Read More

Reviewed Barclays Bank Visa Credit Card

Jan 05, 2008 04:07 PM 5082 Views

I am holding this card for just 2  months now, and use is once in a while..Problem is when it is the time to send us our monthly statement though they sent me an SMS and I paid on time at the nearest drop box -  But never got the statement on time. Thanks to the SMS , I was saved from paying ...Read more

Commented on SAVIO5's review

Sep 29, 2007 12:36 PM

You got to be into it to make money out of it sir !, Yes there are better ways of making money. But you can't ignore this.

Commented on sndaya's review

Jul 02, 2007 03:14 PM

Buddy, good review... you have given allot of info on the site, I am an avid follower of MC, and this is the first site i open every morning, to check what has happened to my portfolio. Two year back when i was introduced to this site, i hardly had any savings but then when i started doing my bit... of savings , through a little knowledge that i got from this site ( and more from seeing the numbers grow in the portfolio) i realised the value of saving and proper investing. The two best things i like about money control is the portfolio and the second one is the calculator !! ( It makes you feel that proper saving can make you a crorepati while your other friends can waste the same amount of money on unwanted things ... and paying heavily on credit card debts, wasting on having a coffee for 100 bucks whereas you can have t at home for 2-5 Rs ( probably)!!!! AND other similar things. Early investing is what is more important ... Hats off to these guys for having a wonderful portal like this. Yes it is business for them and it is a mouthpiece of TV18 group, but see the advantages that a common man gets out of it. AND yes it is free !!! so enjoy it. Read More

Reviewed Standard Chartered Visa Credit Card

Jun 26, 2007 06:46 PM 3384 Views

Used the card cancelled it and happy now. Nothing against it. The idea behind writing here is that we are living in an era where it is considered cool to have lots of credit cards. But we all have kept our wisdom somewhere behind( I feel this way, you can have a different opinion) . How necessar...Read more

Commented on chaatak's review

Jan 27, 2007 03:08 PM

You felt cheated just because Rakhi was reintroduced...Now that she is gon, please edit the article...... rakhi was brought in just to add some spice in the show..and Kashmira also was in to add some bitching..... they entertain us.. The show has been made to be like this... watch today !! who wins ...!Read More

Followed cutedoggie

Nov 18, 2006 04:04 PM


Reviewed Bigg Boss

Nov 18, 2006 03:13 PM 2802 Views

(Updated Aug 21, 2008 12:26 AM)

Enough has been seen on Big Boss in the past 2 weeks. We need to comment on this show in a different point of view, do not think of them only as celebrities, they are normal human beings with emotions and aspirations!!! See how people change colors in each episode. The so-called friendship...Read more

Commented on sandaglad's review

Nov 06, 2006 11:26 PM

Buddy , you should have waited to get over 1000 kms to try all this , though after 500 kms , it is ok . But in the longterm interest of the bike wait for the first 1000- 1500 kms and then do as you wish. If nothing has gon wrong yet then just go slow till you do 1500kms and then zooomm.. All the More

Commented on lodhra's review

Oct 31, 2006 10:11 AM

Hey! You rock !! one of the best revs i have ever read.. keep it up. Happy driving. Sudeep

Commented on f1joseph's review

Oct 24, 2006 11:04 PM

I too have the same phone and I am too damm happy with it. Wish they Still sell it. ( I tried to buy one more but could not get one).

Commented on madame_bindass's review

Oct 24, 2006 10:23 PM (Updated Oct 24, 2006 10:32 PM)

All open sites have some problems.. If one is carefull and puts a small profile and thinks beyond college and teenaged friends ( Or enemies). It's a good place to keep in touch. And as said by one friend, add the person in your ignore list and be happy. All the best.

Commented on pgsagar's review

Oct 22, 2006 11:54 PM

Goshh u look like a real Cielo Fan, It was my dream car once upona time, but as destiny would have it .... then i could not afford it, and now they do not make it any more.... Anyway.. good post. keep writing. And happy driving.

Commented on maupatu's review

Oct 22, 2006 12:29 AM

Whom to believe..... There could be problems with TATA sky, this is one of the reasons why I am not going for it as of now.. yet- it is understood they r in trial phase. But then again they should not charge the customers if they are in trial period or as our friend says -'Experimental mode'. Re...member reliance infocomm did not bill us for the first 3-4 months... during the launch - and we all users of RIM Postpaid had a gala time.... Anyway all the best. Keep complaining to them and hope your problem isRead More

Commented on maupatu's review

Oct 22, 2006 12:28 AM (Updated Oct 22, 2006 12:31 AM)

I am planing to take this conection.. Now i got to rethink...