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Why so ideal?

By: kirti.rath | Posted Dec 15, 2008 | General | 505 Views | (Updated Dec 15, 2008 09:29 PM)

In the aftermath of Mumbai attacks when the nation is still seething in anger and frustration comes another pointless debate ,Should the arrested terrorist Kasab be represented by a lawyer or not?

What's wrong with our legal system?Hasn't everyone seen what he did with a Ak-47 in his hand and bag ful of explosives on his shoulders?What's the whole necessity of a legal wrangle in the first place?Can't he just be tried on a single go and given the death sentence as soon as possible?

What really escapes me is why do we need to treat him with such kid gloves.He is a murderer and every breath he takes is an insult to all those who lost their lives.Forget about human rights he is not even eligible for animal rights as no animal kills for fun.Why can't we make an execption and sidestep the long procedures which have yielded very little results in the past?

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