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sri88's Timeline

Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0

Jan 18, 2013 12:11 PM 2289 Views

(Updated Jan 18, 2013 12:12 PM)

Here is my review of the Samsung Tab I recently purchased: PROS:- Compact and relatively light weight for a tablet The screen is big enough for books and small enough to not embarass you to use in a public place(with everyone looking at you) The 1 Ghz dual core processor Ice Cream...Read more

Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator

Oct 25, 2012 01:31 PM 2841 Views

It's really surprising to see that the very issues Idea advertises that it tackles are the ones which are quite evident on their network!The only advantage of Idea as far as I have seen is the detailed, genuine billing. Apart from that, everything else seems like an illusion. I ported my no. ...Read more

Reviewed Quackquack

Jun 18, 2012 08:49 PM 2917 Views

They say you cannot judge a book by its cover but I say you can judge a site by its name. QuackQuack is a funny name according to me and I frankly expected it to be hash of all the sites I have seen with simply a different name. The concept is also not different according to me and my initial ex...Read more