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deep_love_4u's Timeline

Reviewed Pepsi

Apr 18, 2001 08:25 PM 2028 Views

Once I used to be a fan of pepsi but its sorry to tell that I cant be anymore loyal to it.the taste of pepsi has been worst for many months.its very sweet and we dont get the excitement drinking sprite and coke is far better than that.i find in sprite the real taste and the satisfaction w...Read more

Reviewed Woodland

Apr 18, 2001 04:46 PM 3257 Views

I got my pair of woodland 2 years back on 25th of were a pair of black tough shoes and I have used it as the ways suited me.i have used in the lashing rain,chilling cold and even in scorching heat of summer but still my partner is going on and on.there is not a single defect in the pr...Read more

Followed ashnlena

Apr 18, 2001 08:01 AM


Reviewed Omega Watches

Apr 18, 2001 07:53 AM 6763 Views

OMEGA-the gorgeous and sweetest watch I have ever got in my life.I was really happy to see the watch.all my friends had a feeling of greed in their heart to have the watch for just one day.I was taken by my uncle to an arcade of watches where I could see beautiful,gorgeous,delicate,attractive wa...Read more

Reviewed Nokia 8810

Apr 17, 2001 06:27 PM 4587 Views

I bought my new 8810 to months was going well for these many days.suddenly the battery had some problems which created harassment for.i asked for a new battery.but unfortunately I got a duplicate battery.i was told that there is no original battery of this product.i was also told that the...Read more