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By: odhananjay | Posted Dec 06, 2010 | General | 932 Views | (Updated Dec 06, 2010 09:12 PM)

Recently I have been to Delhi and to reach Cannaught Place I took Metro Train. Metro Train apart from being a mode of communication has also caused a sort of lingo and cultural revolution. When you walk around the Metro Station you do not miss Sign Boards more signboards with Metro Prefix than it was seen few years back. On cultural front also I seen families going together to Picnic, a group of well dressed women going to attend some marriage ceremony. Impact of Metro in Delhi is more than just a MRTS(Mass Rapid Transportation System). Hordes of well dress executives/lawyers/housewives/bankers are seen using it who otherwise would have avoided a Blue Line Bus Service(Common mode of transport before Metro revolution). Gentlemen are seen parking their vehicles near Metro stations and walk proudly to Metro Platform.

Metro provides a connectivity across Delhi however when it comes to last mile to your destination from Metro you have to depend on same old Autowallah/Rickshawallah or Blueline/DTC busses on one side autowallah /rickshawallah try to fleece your fat valet, in Buses their are pretty chances that you may loose your entire valet.

Last mile connectivity is a problem which also causes haphazardness in traffic and unruly Driver behaviour.

Here I was so happy to see a technology which is going to solve the last mile connectivity problem and in many con-justed lanes even it can be used as MRTS.I am talking about POD Taxis a proven mode of communication at Hethrow Air Port London.No drivers, no rails, no emissions and no haggling over fares. The future of Metro Cities public transport is bubble shaped and called a pod taxi. Designed to work on specialized roads reserved for them, the space age unmanned pod taxis will be low on energy, emission-free and millennium city Gurgaon’s transport reality in near future. It is going to take shape in our IT City Gurgaon.As Gurgaon residents well know, the city roads are an optical illusion. The unbroken chain of craters and ditches that pass for roads have for long burned holes in the pockets and hearts of the residents as well as other NCR residents who commute to offices in Gurgaon. Pod taxis will come as a solution to Gurgaon’s mobility problem and hopefully provide what the government claims as “providing last mile connectivity”.

No, it’s not going to burn a hole in your pocket. The proposed ticket rate is Rs 10 but it remains to be seen when exactly and at what rate will the service actually be launched.

There is also planning to introduce this service in Amritsar by Punjab Govt.

I hope with proper planned introduction POD Taxi service would also get a new cultural revolution in Metro cities.

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