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Men in gentlemen!! seriously? again....

By: khanimtiaz | Posted Nov 16, 2009 | General | 526 Views

Maruti Suzuki SX4 seriously has the most rustic, ill educated, guttural, brain dead ad team. First it was the "Where have all the men gone?" as if what one drove would ensure who sat next to you... then came the "who's the man now campaign?" clearly encouraging you to react to a situation on the road and indulge in road rage and now finally comes "after you... after me".... starts with this dude letting others get their cars from the valet and then devilishly he shoulders the lady who's just thought so well of him for being polite and then continues to zig-zag through traffic at high speed overtaking everyone who he had politely allowed to collect their keys ahead of him. Finally arriving at a traffic signal and being allowed to move on by some bikers, I would think more to get rid of such an irritating driver on the road than for any real respect for someone who speeds on city roads.

I often encounter such crazies on the road.... they're always wanting to do 100+ on a 60kmph road. Usually I politely step aside and let the idiot make a fool of himself when I pull up beside him at the next traffic signal using engine braking saving fuel while that joker had to brake hard and urgently when he reached the signal. I wonder why people do not understand the basic fact that racing is for race tracks not for the city roads. Ads like the Maruti SX4 and that from Idea Cellular "walk and talk" (and get squished under a bus' wheels) are extremely destructive and irresponsible. I wonder when our sensibilities will change enough to stop making such inane statements on national tv airing them to impressionable teenagers and thereby raising the road mishap statistics. There are definitely better ways to control population!!!

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