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Kashmir Economic Blockade

By: derebail2008 | Posted Aug 16, 2008 | General | 615 Views | (Updated Aug 16, 2008 09:54 PM)

India remained silent when a genocide and migration of Kashmiri pandits took place in Srinagar. Four lakh pandits were forcibly evicted under fear pychosis from Srinagar in 1988. The majority Hindu community could not protect the poor pandits, who were the original inhabitants of Kashmir valley.

The demand for separatism was being continuously being fuelled by Pakistan and indirectly by China too from 1988. In fact it culminated in the Kargil war, wherein Indian forces were determined to destroy the very edifice of terrorism and separatism once in for all. It was a golden opportunity lost by the leadership to put an end to the Kashmir issue.

When a major issue “ the resettlement of Pandits “ still remains to be addressed. The government and leadership of the day should realize that dreams of the majority, I am considering Pandits as Hindus, should be addressed along with the issue of Amarnath Yatra Land. This time around a comprehensive formula should be developed to solve both the issues. Land for Amarnath Yatra for the majority to visit on temporary basis is only a flimsy issue when compared to the Land for the Pandits, which is a permanent problem. Injustice to the Pandits has to be addressed.

The choking of the supply lines to the Kashmir valley has bought the separatists to their knees. How long Indian government can afford to keep its troops and continue to subsidise Petroleum products, power supplies, maintainence of roads and infrastructure to the valley without having confidence on its people. The separatists want to align with Pakistan and their very suggestion to open the Muzzafarabad supply route is to have links with the terror base over there. It should be rejected downright by the govt. and people of India.

Ultimately Kashmir has to join the Indian mainstream along with the Hindu majority. They should themselves willingly offer to resettle all the Kashmiri Pandits, if required a separate territory to be carved out. This will appease the Indian sentiments and bring peace & prosperity to the valley once for all. Any inputs & suggestions from Msians to resolve the current economic blockade for Kashmir valley is welcome. We don t want the nation to be in turmoil once again over this vital issue.

UPDATE : Conspiracy theory link is provided by my friend USMAN KADIR

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