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Diaries of a child and an adult!

By: pranay22 | Posted Oct 22, 2010 | General | 764 Views | (Updated Oct 22, 2010 08:21 AM)

Diary of a child

Dear Diary,

I am sorry but I cannot properly introduce myself. All I can say is that I have recently arrived in your world.

My parents and other elders around often stop me whenever I try to go somewhere I am not supposed to. They put me back in my cradle for protection; and I believe they do not approve of my adventurous endeavours most of the time.

I don't like being caged. So whenever I get a chance, I break free of my captivity and reach for something more interesting. I do not care what the consequences are; I approach anything that fascinates me.

There is a long, skinny shaped figure that I sometimes see on the big box that is kept in the other room. I do not know what is so interesting about that thing that people in my house keep staring at it. I have no choice but to be there to have my regular meals. But if the volume is too high, I protest against it by my wails ( I call them a warning, though)

So I recognized that figure when I saw it in my room the other evening. I liked that thing, so I went ahead to grab it and play with it. But my father played the spoilsport, took me away just when I was about to get hold of it. Later, I got to know by overhearing a conversation that it was killed by the servants in my house. I do not know why they did it. It seemed so harmless and friendly.

I laugh when I am entertained by the relatives in my house; I cry and I get angry when I am uneasy.

I love it when my mother cuddles me and clings me close to her body. It seems really comforting and feels extremely good. I do not love anyone more than her. That is why I crave for her attention.

Yet I have seen people around express an emotion which I am not aware of. Their eyes bulge, they often put their hands over their mouths or on their heads; and little droplets of water appear on their faces. I am rather curious about what it is.

Diary of an adult

Hello Diary,

My name is Mr. X and I work for ABC Ltd., one of the top ten Fortune 500 companies. I am a Mechanical Engineering graduate from XYZ, and an MBA from XXX. I earn an eight figure salary package every month.

My peers are envious of my achievements and my subordinates look up to me. I am a valuable resource to the company.

But recently, I have been facing lots of troubles. My family interrupts whenever anything important comes up at workplace. My wife wants me home early; my mother wants me to talk to her more often, and my daughter want her daddy to take her out for dinner twice a week.

I cannot handle all this. All I want, by the end of the day is a nice and quiet atmosphere, a bottle of whiskey and soda, and my television.

When will they understand my plight? I do not have much time for them, but I do not regret it. After all, its never too easy to work in a corporate environment like this one. And the pressure at my workplace has been making the situation even worse. It has taken my happiness away. My boss wants me to initiate a project that I have no idea about. I also have to give a presentation on it within 3 days.

That day, my 8 month old son was about to touch a cobra. I do not know how it got into the house. Thank God, I noticed it right in time and had it killed before it could harm my poor kid.

Even the thought of it scares me to bits..

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