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warmdoc's Timeline

Commented on own review

Sep 08, 2009 11:57 AM

I never bought any car for its stereo and always preferred to drive in silence,so have no comments. The tyres could have had a wider aspect. Unfortunately I had to give up driving in August on medical grounds. My wife now routinely drives on weekends upto Pune and during the week in Mumbai. She is a... contented customer and now wonders how she ever managed with the Indigo. There never has ever been any doubt about the car performance. The detailed dealership experience was just to warn potential buyers because i felt cheated with the positive ratings he had received earlier on though it was not from Dzire buyers.Read More

Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Swift Dzire

Sep 02, 2009 04:29 PM 8201 Views

(Updated Sep 02, 2009 04:53 PM)

I wanted a replacement for my Indigo. Vitesse, Fortpoint and Sai Service in Mumbai claimed a waiting period of 45-60 days in April 2009, but within a week all called up to say that they had a Dzire VDI ready of my color choice. It became clear that the waiting was no longer than 2-3 weeks. Ba...Read more

Commented on manver023's review

May 01, 2009 03:16 PM

Last week went to Sai Service to book Dzire VDI. I was told that I could get in 10 days--the travel time from Manesar to Mumbai. They insisted upon my buying their 'comprehensive warranty'. I walked out without booking. Vitesse claimed a waiting period of 45 days but could accelerate delivery in abo...ut 10 days. Ditto with Fortpoint. There is obviously no real waiting period as I asked for different colors at different dealerships. It is only a scam by dealers under Maruti's benevolent gaze. With capacity upped to 3lakhs at their Manesar plant from Dec.08 and with claimed Swift and Swift Dzire bookings of about 15K in Feb09, why should their be a wait-list stretching for months? I wonder why Tatas are taking so long to launch their new Indigo with the Fiat engine.Read More