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Ashish Kumar


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dragonboy18080's Timeline

Commented on own article

Global Warming

Jan 08, 2009 06:16 PM

Cont DEFORESTATION Not many of us have heard of this term and if by any chance we have, we did not feel any need to understand what it really means and what it really affects. The greatest failure of our greatest mind is that it never paid or pays attention to what we are getting ourselves into, b...y creating pollution. Deforestation is not caused directly by pollution but it is rather created by another sort of pollution which is known as population. As the population is growing the natural need for a space to live in is also increasing with it. As we cannot live on trees so why not cut them to live on the plane surface. Who cares about what happens as a consequence. Due to deforestation, rain washes away the fertile soil from land and pours it into river. Because there are no trees to hold the soil, it becomes easier to deplete it. As it depletes it takes away the essential mineral to do farming. As a result we will have no land to farm upon and ultimately we will have to live on biologically generated vegetables. REFORESTATION A Counterpart of deforestation, reforestation simply means to plant a seed in every inch of land we are left with. The more fertile we make our land the more opportunities will grow with the crops for humanity to survive in coming future. To implement the solution of reforestation we will first have to cut-short our needs of land. The main element which causes the deforestation is Population growth which should be controlled as soon as we can. If birth rate and death rate becomes equal than we will not have to worry about extending the residing space for houses. The point is to plant and grow trees whenever and wherever possible. Again it will take a lot of will power and sitting and reading thousand of articles on reforestation like this won’t do any good. We will have to get up and start working. There is no long and complicated process in reforestation the basic principle is “plant the seed”.Read More

Posted an Article

Global Warming

Jan 08, 2009 06:16 PM General 320 Views

HUMAN INTERVENTION IN NATURAL PHENOMENA Nature has always been a subject of dispute and argument among humans. We have always consumed the resources of nature according to or exceeding our needs. The major problem occurs when we arrogantly or unknowingly try to rule over the whole natural dominio...Read more

Followed adeeti

Jan 08, 2009 02:50 PM


Commented on onobsmada's review

Jan 06, 2009 03:40 PM

Hey dude! nice review! I have also heard about this product but couldn't get any literature on it. Can you please tell me if it is available all over delhi or not.

Reviewed One Night at the Call Centre - Chetan Bhagat

Jan 05, 2009 03:42 PM 10492 Views

A pure work of a fiction still it is not a fiction. Yes folks!, One night @ call center is the novel that you can read if you are a beginner in novel reading "profession!". This novel is a short, well composed, has some fine comic sentences, and most of all the whole novel is based on only ONE N...Read more

Reviewed Rage Of Angels - Sidney Sheldon

Jan 04, 2009 04:06 PM 10154 Views

As a reader we have read enormous amount of books and novels. Every second novel claims to be the best seller and guarantees to thrill you with action, romance or drama. Very few of those succeed in doing that and we as a reader continues our journey in search for a perfect novel. Sidney Sheldon...Read more