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saquibparvez77's Timeline

Reviewed Fever

Aug 09, 2016 02:10 AM 1776 Views (posted via Android App)

All he knows is that his name is Armin and he is from paris. And then he starts getting vision of murdered woman. A man wakes up in hospital with the sketchy memory of his past life. As he tries to put together peice of this jigshaw puzzle he meet kavya who becomes his confidante. Khandelw...Read more

Reviewed Kent RO System

Feb 02, 2016 11:42 PM 13807 Views (posted via Android App)

Water is a part of everyday life. From the lakes to the skies to the glasses of it we drink every day, it is easy to say that water makes up a huge part of human existence. With that in mind, there is a growing need for proper water filtration in the world, regardless of where you may live or wh...Read more

Commented on own review

Feb 02, 2016 04:55 PM

Thanx to everyone.

Reviewed Saala Khadoos

Feb 02, 2016 12:46 AM 1230 Views (posted via Android App)

Like the marry kom saala khadoos is a heartfelt attempt at putting a spotlight on the India's women boxers as it follow the life of siblings laxmi and madhi both are trained boxers both brought up in the poverty but with their sight set on boxing the film sheds on light on many issue namely lack...Read more