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cecil miranda


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Commented on own review

Aug 15, 2005 01:19 PM

I've read your comments on my review for nokia 6630. Looks like you have a poor comparitive studies. Try to improve it and have another look at the link you've mentioned (If you've learned to give proper comments, else please stop giving comments). Anyways thanks for your comments. No offence.

Reviewed Nokia 6630

Aug 10, 2005 10:02 PM 2318 Views

(Updated Aug 11, 2005 09:49 PM)

I got this phone about a month back . its features are really cool.. it has a good camera which has greater clarity than N6600. it has a player which could play mp3 and all related stuff.. it would act as a palmtop but you could call it as a phone . it ahs all advanced feature.. so use it and tr...Read more

Reviewed Angels & Demons - Dan Brown

Aug 10, 2005 08:58 PM 1710 Views

(Updated Aug 10, 2005 09:02 PM)

Angels and Demons, a novel by Dan Brown, orginally published in 2000 has been riding a second wave of success since the Da Vinci Code (also by Dan Brown) became so popular. Although these fiction novels are riveting, the reader can easily become so engrossed in the story that separating the fact...Read more