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Michael Moore Voted for Bush???!!!!
Nov 22, 2004 03:17 PM 1761 Views
(Updated Nov 22, 2004 03:17 PM)



Anything and everything controversial about US, its politics and politicians are hot selling cakes when published as a book. Recently Michael Moore?s ?The official Fahrenheit 9/11 reader? book is selling as hot as the tickets for the movie in theatres on which the book is based on. Fahrenheit 9/11 is the highest grossing documentary film ever in the history of world cinema.

The movie got immediate attention of commoners in US when it bagged the coveted top prize Palme d?Or in Cannes film festival this year and added to that the protest against the commercial release of this film in US theatres kindled more interest in minds of the people to watch it in theatres.

While still he is chewing the success of his film, he has written and published a book on this film which contains lot of facts, proofs and evidences of the issues dealt in the movie and more information on the movie itself. The book continues with Moore?s more bashings on Bush Presidency.

The book is broadly divided Six sections viz.,

~ Screenplay of Fahrenheit 9/11

~ Back up and Evidence

~ What Public thought of the movie?

~ Essays and Critiques on the movie

~ Beyond Fahrenheit 9/11 and

~ Cartoons and Photographs

Screenplay of F 9/11

As stated by Moore himself in the introductory note making documentary films are completely the reverse process of making movies. Movies are shot after a detailed script and screenplay are written whereas documentaries are written after the film is shot. As I haven?t got the opportunity to watch the movie on screen, my reason for buying this book is to grab the screenplay of the movie. The book doesn?t disappoint in this section, it had a crystal clear narration of each and every shot of the visual with usage of proper terms with which screenplay of the movies are typically written. Though the impact of visuals will be more powerful than the words written in this book it has few advantages over the movie.

The time doesn?t stop and wait for you to understand and get insight of an issue dealt in the movie while watching the visuals but on contrary with this book, your mind is the virtual camera and you are the director and the screen time of a scene if yours. A scene may be continued or repeated any longer you want. Further more it may be hard to consume everything shown on the screen at one go while watching the movie. So, for those who have seen the movie, you can relate the screenplay with the visuals and bring back the moments of watching it on screen and have the feel without missing a single frame of the movie.

Back up and Evidence

All the important facts quoted and narrated by Michael Moore in the film are picked and the relevant proofs and evidences from Newspaper cuttings, official documents, and web links for reference are provided then and there below each quote. This enhances the believability of the facts shown in the film and it is stunning and interesting to read all those facts. But after a point it is boring to read so many business articles.

After reading this section, I wondered even though so much facts against Bush were published in newspaper already, the impact was quite less as those news pieces comes and go once in a while and doesn?t leave any big impact. But when Moore consolidated all possible facts against Bush in a single documentary it was a like a mind bomb and a big blow on everyone?s head which made many people to realize their ignorance. This proves how powerful movies are than any other means of media.

What Public Thought of F 9/11

Moore in the introductory note said that on an average he received 6000 mails everyday from American citizens after the release of the movie. This section displays some of the selected mails from the public. The mail senders include friends and family members of victims of 9/11, Iraq war and also some unaffected common people. Almost every mail thanked Moore for giving such a masterpiece of work. Most of them who haven?t voted in any previous elections so far said they have decided to vote for this election after watching this movie. Many Republicans said they have turned into Democrats. Some of them admired the response that the movie has got. At the end of the section opinions about the movie of popular personalities of various interests are also included.

Essays and Critiques

It is quite interesting to read the post-mortem report of very many popular critics of US magazines and newspaper. Almost all the reviews are positive about the movie.

Beyond F 9/11

Here is section which gives elaborate articles published on various Newspapers and Magazines relevant to all the issues dealt in the movie and it has some untold facts missed in the movie. Even if you are not convinced after reading all the stuffs in the book, this section will clear all your doubts and makes you believe all that said by Moore in the film.

Cartoon and Snaps

Finally, we have really some funny cartoons depicting and relating the movie, Moore and Bush that were published in various newspapers. Also we have got some photographs of famous Cinemas in US where people are waiting in crowds to grab a ticket for the movie.

The most interesting photograph among them is that of a rented prop plane dragging a message ?Get your head out of the sand ? See Fahrenheit 9/11? over the beeches of Delaware and Maryland on the July fourth weekend.

It is true that the film had a great impact on public but post election results is evident of the confused minds of the people who couldn?t make a proper judgment, they were hesitant to fall on either side. Is he (Moore) the reason for the confusion? I feel indirectly Michael Moore helped many to vote for Bush by creating confusion in the minds of the people and that is the implication of my title for this review. How the election results would be if there was no such movie made? Even though if considered people have neglected the movie stating it as biased, they cannot completely ignore some of the basic mistakes Bush Administration has done. Of course there is no smoke without flame.

After everything has been said and discussed about the movie, why should one buy this book? The answer is simple, Interest. If you liked the movie and if you want to know everything happened by, for and to the movie, go ahead and buy this book. The post election results raises only one question in my mind which is ?Who is the fool now?? Michael Moore? Or US Citizen?. One may like it (book) or hate it but can?t ignore it.

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The Official Fahrenheit 9/11 Reader - Michael Moore