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Your tounge will start to swell and headaches set
Jun 10, 2001 09:03 PM 2505 Views





The Hole was one of those films that I saw the previews to in the cinema sometime last year and decided I just had to watch the movie after desperately searching for something that may resemble in any way the Blair Witch Project (I loved that film!). It looked to me as if I might just have found a movie that did that in its own little way.

Was I right? Well no, not really, however, it did the same types of things to your mind as Blair Witch Project did in the sense that it leaves you to decide what actually happened and the views on what happened could differ from person to person.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings and onto the film!

It all starts with a girl walking up a lane to her school, scared, bleeding and dirty she goes into her empty school hall, picks up the phone and dials the emergency services. She then just screams down the phone and what a spine chilling scream it is too, especially with the surround sound in the cinema, and really gets you ready for the movie. After that you are introduced to the storyline which is basically as follows….

However you view it, 4 schoolmates (if that’s how you can class them) get locked inside an old bomb shelter, known as the hole. They expect to be left in there for 3 days, however, they are in there for a lot longer than that. The story is told from Liz’s (Thora Birch) perspective as she is the only one still living after the experience and she is telling her story to a doctor/psychiatrist who works with the police as the 4 adolescents were presumed missing. You see the story as she tells it to the doctor, but theres a twist, there are two different stories and you have got to figure out which is the correct one, if indeed there is a correct one!

Funnily enough, however you view it it is a story of love, but there is no mushy lovey stuff that will put us guys off, there is however, sex, so guys, your in for a treat! Don’t get too excited though, the film only has a 15 certificate!

The film has the 5 main characters. Mike (Desmond Harrington) who plays the one that Liz is in love with, but he won’t show her any attention and this is what the film is based around. Martin (Daniel Brocklebank) who is in love with Liz but Liz dosen’t want him! Geoff (Laurence Fox) who is one of the schoolmates down in the hole who basically just wants a good time and sex with Frankie (Keira Knightly) who plays the slapper/up for it girl who seems to go along with anything who is also down the hole.

The film is set in England but has American actors putting on English accents which basically portray all of us as the posh people that the US think we all are. It has that typical American outlook on us which really annoys me! There isn’t much in the way of scenery, but then again, it’s all set in one place really and the special effects? Well, there aren’t none really unless you count the various flies, maggots, blood and filth the 4 schoolmates are living amongst.

Overall? Well no, its nothing like the Blair Witch really, just the same sort of movie, if you see what I mean. The film drags in places and for the first 15 minutes you really do start wondering why you have just paid £5 and a fortune for the in show snacks to view this movie. However, give it a chance and if you like this sort of film then you will be in for a good movie which will leave you thinking afterwards what actually happened and arguing with who you saw it with as to which story was the right one!

You have got to see it to understand what I am on about, I’m not going to spoil it for you. I’ll give this film 4/5. In my opinion the film makers could have gone a bit further with the blood and nasty bits which would have made the film more freaky to me, but as Gem’s pointed out, that’s not the aim of the film!

I do have to warn you that if like me, the trailer drew you towards the movie then the trailer doesn’t quite do the film justice and makes you think that what you are going to see is something different to what is actually shown.

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The Hole Movie