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Mouthshut VS. Other Writing Sites
May 02, 2001 02:55 AM 3203 Views

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MouthShut_Official Cares

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For some strange reason I'm not allowed to mention a certain word here. This word describes a writing site...sounds like opinions, begins with an E. I think you know what I'm talking about...

Many of you don't know wait...none of you know this. Your heiness is ex-other writing site addict! Yes, it's true. With over a hundred dollars earned and recieved from the other writing site in less than three months, I left.

::watches the mouths as they drop open::

Why did you leave Princess...what brought you here?

Flattered you asked loyal subjects. Even more flattered to be writing here.

The truth is, I left the other writing site because of the masses of abusers and rude people. I've had my eye on Mouthshut for quite a while now, I've been on the down low, and read as a non-member for weeks before I actually joined. I've noticed something here that the other writing site can never touch...plenty of good-natured, nice people.

For those of you who aren't familiar, this other writing site is a opinion site very similar to Mouthshut. I must admit that they do have a more desirable payment method, where you can redeem your money after it hits $10 USD if you live in the USA. I do need to point out that international users must wait until their balance reaches $100 USD, and seem to a harder and longer time getting their money.

Mouthshut is lacking a bit in the payment area considering you must wait six months to be rewarded, and I'm not even sure what kind of a reward I will be recieving. I do plan on sticking around to find out...don't they always say don't knock it till' you try it?

Please note that I also realize that the other writing site's future is doomed due the easy and fast payout methods, and even though I'm not fond of the idea, it might help to increase the life of Mouthshut by making members wait. Keep in mind that this scopes out the true members, and only rewards them.

As we all know however, money isn't everything, and that it's not the only reason I write. I enjoy informing the public about bad products, services and websites. Maybe I just enjoy running my mouth...

I'm tired of the consipiracies at the other writing site...the accusitions and the lying on others. I don't seem to see that here, and I'm proud to be a new member of You guys have welcomed me warmly, and the Princess appreciates that.

Now, as far as the website itself goes, Mouthshut could use more topics to write about. The layout is so much like the other writing site's old layout that it is scary, but I like least I understand how to navigate. is quite fast, and I've never had any trouble logging in.

I'm looking forward to my writing ''career'' here, and also the new friends I hope to make from writing here. Despite the rewards confusion, I plan on referring others here.

The sense of community seems much stronger and more polite than I've ever witnessed at another writing site. I still have much to learn, and if any of you veterans could help me, please leave a comment, especially if you understand the rewards program here, and if you have any idea to how many members are here.

Royal Thanks As Always


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