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mumbai....meri jaan! India
~~Oh My God!!~~
Aug 25, 2003 07:29 PM 2725 Views
(Updated Aug 25, 2003 07:32 PM)



Mass Appeal:

Look & Feel:

It's about 7pm right now, on this pleasant August evening, and as has been the case for the last 4 months, we, (that is my guardian angel and me) have absolutely nothing to do right now! So GA and me (you'll never see one without the other!) decided….actually GA commanded, would be more appropriate… that instead of warming the chair in front of the idiot box, which anyways is being warmed by some other family member right now, we might as well put to use, the left side of our brain (umm..that's where intelligence is stored, right?) So, what I'm actually trying to get through here, is as plain as chalk… or something to that effect! The point is (if you haven't already got it)…. I'm trying to write a review! I'm yet to decide what exactly the review is going to be about, but don't worry, we'll get to that (with dear old GA's assistance!) OK…so as I've already got off to a bad start….I think we're in immediate need of two things- (i) a refreshment (to cool my grey cells a bit) and (ii) a topic to blabber about!

After 10 minutes of deep thinking (by GA) & a cool fresh lime (that's me):

Ok folks, both our urgent requirements have been fulfilled! Before you pull your hair out, I think I'll touch upon our topic. Care for F.R.I.E.N.D.S. anyone? In my opinion the most wonderful sitcom ever made...see...I'm already smiling away madly! Well GA informs me that this hit American sitcom kicked off in 1994 and has kept viewers, worldwide, enticed ever since. GA's never wrong you see, so it's true then! What's the secret then, behind this incredible success story?? Read on to find out….

What's it about?

Well, F.R.I.E.N.D.S is certainly much more than '6 freaks running around two apartments in the heart of NY City!'- the way my mom puts it! The main story of course revolves around six 30-plus friends and their upside down lives….which leaves the viewer (at least me) guffawing uncontrollably! It's a classy sought of comedy unlike some of the other sloppy comedies that we often get thrown into! (Mr. Bean fans…no offence please!) Well, GA simply loves the wit and humour and wishes to give a 'pat on the back' to the writers!

The Cast:

The backbone of the show (obviously..!) the cast of Friends is simply awesome!

Chandler Bing (Matthew Perry)….the supposed to be 'funny guy' of the gang, who loves throwing his jokes around on his pals at every given opportunity! For some reason a lot of people think him to be gay…But GA doesn't approve! However, GA does feel that he should hold on to his weight! I agree! Voted by his pals to be the last to get married among the six of them…he left everyone behind….as you will know that he his now married to Monica!

Monica Geller (Courtney Cox Arquette)….the one with a 'cleanliness disorder!' She can't stand an untidy room…She's also a professional chef and is of course wife to Chandler.

Joey Tribiani (is it spelled this way?) (Matt Le Blanc)….The dim-wit Italian actor who can make you roll on the ground with laughter…His middle name can be changed to 'sandwiches'! He once played Al Pacino's butt-double! Shares an apartment with Rachel. The latest being his crush on Rachel and it seems that he even proposed to her (!?!?) (this episode hasn't yet been aired here in India…so yeah…my guess is as good as yours!)

Rachel Green (Jennifer Aniston)…I quote GA- ''Stunning…very stunning''…lol… personal favourite too…Works for Ralph Lauren! Has had an on-off relation with Ross…(Remember the we-were-on-a-break-episode?!…the latest of course being the birth of her's and Ross' baby…(when will the reruns stop?)

Ross Geller (David Shwimmer)…Monica's brother…often bores his pals with his 'scientific' stories! He works in a museum…has been divorced thrice! Scorned at an advice given by his friends to start a divorce club!! The third marriage being an accidental one..(!!)…to Rachel…when they both got drunk in Vegas!

Pheobe Buffey (Lisa Kudrow)…..A shudh vegetarian! She has a twin (an evil twin!) who is a porn star! GA feels that she certainly doesn't have as much of a role to play as the other guys do..well at least in the latest episodes! She's also the good-deed-doer of the gang …(Die hard fans should definitely check out 'Pheobe's scrap book' on the NBC site!)

And the rest:

A string of stars have often made a guest appearance…Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, George Clooney and many more..

The coffee house is a favourite hang out for the gang, as also the two apartments…

A very often used statement by all six: Oh My God!!

And hey..the title track of the sitcom, by Rembrands… 'I'll be there for you' is really wonderful!

What's Hot:

Friends is aired not less than 9 times a week (Star World & Zee English)…and I think I've watched each and every episode about 3-4 times!! (GA thinks I'm losing it) Well, as I said before, Season 8 was last aired…that's where its post-marriage time for Monica and Chandler and baby blues for Ross and Rachel ..Joey barges in with his crush on Rach..and Pheobs..well she's just hanging around!

My Favourite:

It's really tough to pick out one particular episode…but I think the episodes where the rest of the guys find out one by one about Monica and Chandler's hush-hush affair is simply hilarious!! (what say?!)

GA says…STOP!

GA seems to think that I'm boring you…so I'll just listen to my guardian angel for a change…shall go an catch a repeat episode again! (7:30 Star World & 10 Zee E)…. me signing off!

Before that (won't leave you so easily!) I'll be waiting for your suggestions…ok?!…lol….Thanks for reading!



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