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Much Improved Now
Feb 07, 2003 11:50 PM 2321 Views
(Updated Feb 07, 2003 11:55 PM)

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I was astonished to see the rating of Baazee site over here. Considering the changes that this site has undergone since the times it started. That explains why Baazee has been advertising like crazy in the net.

There is no point in talking about what Baazee was once upon a time. But to understand the bad rating it has got on an average one must have known that this site enabled the selling of goods in terms of auction, on the line of eBay. Though they managed to get many transactions done it did not really make it to the top. But of recently it has undergone tremendous change. It has still not stopped auctioning but has added direct selling. But like an auction the product is offered for a limited time. This helps the seller in two ways. One it enables to announce a discount which people in our country fall for in a big way. And secondly it keeps the buyer's interest secured for the buyer is always on a look out for something new. So the product may get repeatedly announced but at varying prices and discounts cut real deep sometimes.

That is as far as the seller is concerned. Remember that other online shops do not allow you to do that. However the fact remains that most of the customers are buyers and not sellers. So whats in the site for buyers? Plenty much so that you can get confused. Other online shops like rediff, indiatimes, firstandsecond, fabmart or sapnaonline are limited in terms of what they sell but not baazee. Some of the sites display material of prohibitive price out of the reach of the common man. You can find anything over here I Baazee. Its a one stop shopping place. The reason for that is because direct selling (which is known as direct buy in Baazee) has enabled it to tie up with many other retail sellers. Thus it is able to offer what the online shops are presently offering and even more. Secondly it offers many modes of payment... cash on delivery, account transfer, check, credit card... and so on. But the facilities available vary depending on what the seller prefers. Thirdly it enables one to buy many items from the grey market. Of course it is not safe...but lets admit it that over here in India a large number of transactions involve grey market goods. Fakes and duplicates must be kept out, no doubt about that, but its not fair to keep original so called cheap ones out just because they do not carry labels of big companies. I sincerely believe most of the customers who buy these items are well informed that they are not made by big companies. They buy such items because they are cheap and within their reach. The other online sites are not able to do this for obvious reasons. But Baazee is able to because it is directly not involved in selling. It is enabling such a sale without being directly involved in it. The point is if you like taking a walk down the Hong Kong or Chinese baazaar downstreet in your city then Baazee is right up your lane. There is also feedback so that it is upto you to decide whether or not to buy depending on the number of successful transactions that the particular seller has carried out. On the downside there are many problems but they are all rectifiable. The items are all neatly listed under various headings. But even then some of the items are in the wrong place. This I presume is due to the immense volume that the site handles. It would do good if the site clearly states its responsibilities and carries a clear warning vis-a-vis the grey market goods. Presently there is a warning but that is offered in an optional way. If the customer is interested he will open the window and see it. If he is not then it is his problem. Such an attitude will do bad for Baazee's reputation in the long run, especially when things go wrong which they will no doubt now and then. Some of the listings are empty. I found many such listings empty in the Books section. Thats like finding an empty rack in a bookshop...bad very bad!

One can go on like this. But in a gist the concept of providing a platform to buy and sell is just great. It is something like how napster was. It enables direct selling and buying between the members.( PLease note that Baazee does not permit direct contact between members. It has to be always through the site.) Those are the first signs of restrictions I am seeing on this site. There are no middle men however to make profit. Baazee is there to give you the oppurtunity to Buy and Sell. An to be honest I would have given a rating of 4 stars if it had not been for the already bad rating it has got. I give it 5 stars for the potential it has.

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