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Too much snags makes alliance , worst airways
Jul 30, 2007 03:17 PM 9267 Views

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Here goes my story,

In fact it was not my story but the stories of all those 50+ passengers on board on flight CD 7727 that day.

Let me get into the interesting part.

I went to Agartala on ATR . No problems except for 3 hours delay due to rain+ technical fault(snag). No problem with the delay coz its not a big deal for them.

But the real story happened during my return trip to kolkata, That day flight was scheduled at 6:55 pm, I waited and waited but there was no annoucement or no sign of any ATR on airport( Agartala is relatively small airport and flight which takes people from kolkata, the same flight returns). Since the flight from kolkata didnot reached even after 1 hour we were sure there was some problem. but what was the problem no body knew that time, Only thing we were told to is to wait. Atlast around 8:30  we got the news,  it was told that the flight did reached agartala it tried to land multiple times but could not land  due to the reason that its landing gear didnot opened. So it returned back to kolkata for emergency landing. They also mentioned that there is a little possibity that after they repair the fault the flight may once again fly to agartala that night, but I knew that it was not going to happen.

So finally after another 1:30  min we got the final hearning from the IA officials that our flight was cancelled and will be rescheduled for the next day.

There is one final twist in the story, Agartala airport is situated far from the city and after 9:00  pm its dark and lonely outside the airport with only CRPF Jawans gaurding the airport. So after the cancellation when we asked for accomodation they just refused, they told that they dont have any accomodation facility for passengers like us. As for me I, my relatives were with me till the end so I went back  with them, but it was very painfull to see few fellow passengers with little childrens to search a right seat to spend the rest of the night.

And think of all those passengers who were on board on that flight, they must have been very upset, seeing their destination and they flying back to the place they have boarded.

I think next time I will go for jet airways to give it  a try.

Quiz time:

1) Who are responsible for so frequent technical snags.

2) What is the best airlines.

3) What can be done when airlines treat passengers inhumanly.

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