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rathodsandeep1's Timeline

Reviewed Idea Mobile Operator

Jan 30, 2016 10:48 PM 2647 Views (posted via Android App)

Since the telecommunication companies have suffered from huge losses uto 18000 crores due to whtasapp or any social networking applications. Nobody is buying now a days there text msg packs. This companies want to recover that amount so they are now come out with new tricks which many people ...Read more

Reviewed Samsung Galaxy Note 2

Jan 30, 2016 10:30 PM 2761 Views (posted via Android App)

This phone I am using from almost 2 years. At first year phone was having good camera click with higher megapixel clearity but now the clarity has decreased. I dont know exactly what is the reason for that may be my phone has fallen manier times or may be other reasons.  This phone is good for p...Read more