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meht04's Timeline

Commented on own review

Jun 09, 2008 11:05 AM

Hmm .. i guess, there is no end to this discussion as you are thoroughly against Indian mentality ...since your mind is pre occupied with this stuff, you are not thinking on this idea openly ! I again disagree on 'It is not always true that companies dont publish the ads and send to only employee...s. If the requirement is urgent, companies dont wait for referrals or hide it from the world' Its not about hiding it from world ..Its about urgency ..many a times, our company sends us a mail about urgent requirement ..but its not published anywhere .. I think since you are working with a US firm, your experience might be different than mine ..thats' why the difference in view point. Regarding 'if we Indians were so much concerned about all this and cleanliness at even this level, then our cities would not have been dirtiest and most polluted in the world' , somewhere someone has to start and everybody has to contribute . If we keep thinking like this only and just blame everybody, thats not the solution ! Anyways, ending this debate last answer to your first quest 'If monster and naukri give them bunch of CVs blindly then why will they ask employee to do the same and in turn pay them?' , this is a fact that naukri and monster give them CVs blindly ..noone checks the authenticity ..and the answer to why would they prefer employees over these job sites ..simple !! naukri and monster would charge them huge for there CVs . And , again I would like to say that there are pros and cons to every idea in this world ..There might be some sanity in your thought too ..but one thing I would point is that you are being too rigid in your thinking and mixing up your general issues for so called 'Indian mentality ' with this idea . There are some Indians who have done us proud too ..So, lets give each other a chance in life and I really hope, the site's admin goes through this discussion thread and express his/her veiw point.Read More

Commented on own review

Jun 09, 2008 10:01 AM

Oh ..i see , u are taking out your frustration of OBC quota scrambal here :) See, no offence intended ..but I guess, you are just thinking unilaterally ..If I quote you on 'When u get unknown CV from unknown person how can u say its a good CV?' , If this is true ..then why do you think all the jo...b sites are working like , monster etc etc ...Even they dont provide any authenticity of the resumes ..then, why do companies get enrolled with them and find the suitable candidates from there ... And regarding 'If such things are promoted, people will spend more time in fetching resumes and less on their work' , you are forgetting that these concepts are already there ..The people can right now also spend their time in searching resumes from and not work !! But do youthink thats happening ...No !! How many people do you know who waste their official hours doing this stuff .. ...I guess, majority of us have better things to do in life .. There are many job seekers out there who are desperately trying to find jobs ..and the reality is ..companies dont advertise most of their jobs and employees know about them, wats the harm in spreading the information ...It is equivalent to you sending the vacancy mail to your friend and he in turn forwards it to more people and then it becomes a chain .. Instead of mailing so many people , just write to this site and everybody would look into it . That ways , you save carbon too :) Now, if this carbon thing doesnt make sense , search on google, how much carbon you burn when sending/storing an email .. Anyways, coming back to the topic , I disagree that employees would spend their most of the time looking for resumes out there ..I think its silly to think like this ...and the fact remains that referrals are used by companies to get quick resumes without much hiring cost ... And for god's sake ..don't be judgemental on Indians ...I guess, you are one of us !Read More

Commented on own review

Jun 08, 2008 11:52 PM

Hi rn_us, First ,please calm down ..and instead of generalising Indian view points, lets focus on the difference in view point and understanding . I think this site is a good idea because it bridges the gap between companies and candidates who are looking out for jobs ..Companies rather prefer th...e referral candidates beacause of two reasons, first is monetary factor , the consultants charge a hell lot of money from them for a single recruitment .. and the second reason is which you pointed out correctly .. By sending the company a resume of a candidate looking out for a job, i dont think there is anything wrong in it cos the person whould still go through the interveiw process and screening as usual ..If there is any issue there, I guess the HR people are smart enough to reject such resumes... I beg to differ on your point that this would be misuse of a 'facility' as such ...Rather, this is a way to help gather a few good resumes for your HR department and in turn reaping the benefits too .. If we go into details, you should be knowing that the referral amount is not given as soon as the employee joins ..rather,its generally given in 2-3 installments where the major lump sum is given when the selected employee spends atleast 6months-1 year in the company ..So, that ways too ..the company is not robbed of any cash in case the selected employee chooses to quit or whatever !!! I dont know whether this site's admin would be reading our discussion or not but I would just say that I liked this idea ..and whether this site picks up or not, atleast this idea would definitely grow ... I have tried to explain why I thought good about this idea ..Rest , I think everybody is free to express and keep his/her own opinion .... Keep writing ..Read More

Reviewed Ireferjobs

Jun 05, 2008 05:13 PM 1110 Views

I have come across this new site on internet .This site takes advantage of referral money offered in corporate offices . Basically, the idea is to post all the openings in your company on . The webmaster would review the opening and post it on the homepage withi...Read more

Commented on own review

Jun 05, 2008 01:45 PM

Okk..never heard about them before ..probably, not available in Delhi ...earlier I used Pampers ..but ever since, there was some shortage issue of Pampers in Delhi and I was forced to other brand, I found Wipro to be the best , even better than Pampers & Huggies ... It works well with my kiddo :) ... Read More

Reviewed Wipro Baby Soft Mother' Commercial

May 28, 2008 11:24 AM 6347 Views

I am a mom of 1.5 year old girl and offlate , I have started using Wipro Baby Soft diapers ..I found them good, infact better than the pampers that I had been using before it . The tape sticks good, my baby didnt get any rashes and also, it can go upto 3 hours of dryness , frequent chan...Read more

Commented on amateurabe's review

May 27, 2008 01:57 PM

Hey,if you want Wipro baby soft diapers at a cheaper rate , try out this linky ..%0a listing is only for large size the seller for different size / number ...of diapers ..I have tried and found the service to be good.Read More