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harish acharya


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Commented on loosekutty's review

Nov 17, 2005 08:35 PM

It is really surprising no one has commented on noise pollution caused by autos in Bangalore, with their modified silencers and nobody to question them they are literally controlling the city Coming to traffic , nightmare is just beginning with no other alternative in sight for roads. Metro rail wo...uld have removed 50% traffic from roads, but a bunch of traders on CMH Road have derailed it by bribing politicians. It is just a matter of time before Bangalore crashes. It is not for nothing Karnataka once a model state in India is now ranked alongside Bihar for corruption Read More

Reviewed Bangalore

Sep 23, 2005 09:34 PM 2592 Views

(Updated Sep 23, 2005 09:34 PM)

It may shock Bangaloreans, but I am writing this as a citizen of Bangalore for more than 5 decades. I have seen Bangalore since 1960's when it was really charming. The problem has been not uncontrolled growth but being capital city of one of the most corrupt states in India (4th after Bihar, J&K...Read more

Reviewed Tips on Traveling in Autorickshaws

Sep 06, 2005 07:17 PM 1785 Views

(Updated Sep 06, 2005 07:17 PM)

Well it may seem funny but autos are killers alright. Just visit Bangalore once and see for yourself. They can do 100km/hr. Cant believe? Story is Karnataka government allows these people to remove baffle plates from their silencers and there is no resistance for exhausts and can easily overtake...Read more