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Fiza Ahmed


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charisma_101's Timeline

Commented on own review

May 24, 2005 10:14 PM

hello explosive,archit and thegreatone! firstly thankx a lot for actuallysharing ur views wid me...and as for what ur i said' dats whats TRUE love!' ....these dayz its really very hard to believe in sumthing like dat cuz nowadays even infatuations and crushes are taken quite many of us can guarantee and assure our heart that we have gone thru the true love....???just think about it.... these days reamaining committed seems a big problem when each day we come across so many who seem somehow more sweet..or shall i say cuTe? lolz. neways...think about that n post me bak! k...till then babye! n adios'Read More

Reviewed Veer-Zara

May 23, 2005 01:46 PM 1679 Views

(Updated May 23, 2005 01:46 PM)

Hello there every1 once well m here to let my let my ideas spill about the the epic tale of love and sacrifice '' veer-zaara''!! Its really strange that true love is always associated with sacrifice and devotion...and without the latter, it seems futile! Veer zaara z basically the...Read more

Followed nannybiker , ram8309 , Cousin2 , Rohit_Roy , mouthshutdotcom

Apr 22, 2005 11:20 PM






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Reviewed Black - Bollywood

Apr 22, 2005 03:45 PM 1385 Views

(Updated Apr 22, 2005 03:45 PM)

How long can a person survive in blackness....the very first question that was asked in the movie....and the first of many questions that were left unanswered by the movie....BLACK...a movie that has opened a new dimension for our thought flows...breaking the conventional mode of indi cinema...i...Read more