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Ashutosh Sharma


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ashush's Timeline

Reviewed Om Shanti Om

Nov 10, 2007 04:02 PM 1198 Views

This is indeed a remix of Karj, Mashumati and similar films based on incarnation.This is very sad that director publise the golden era to create hype for a film that has no content at all except overacting by persons who feel that they are the king of bollywood. Whatever they will present and pe...Read more

Reviewed Dhoom 2

Nov 27, 2006 11:09 AM 1327 Views

director seems to be carried away with the expectations from the sequel. he tried too hard to excel part 2 to a new height but it went too high that it went above all. well, the story, plot was too comics type. don't see logic in anything. everythig is happening like a comics story. director ...Read more