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Zaara's Gallery

By: zaara_k | Posted Apr 15, 2009 | General | 690 Views | (Updated Apr 15, 2009 12:42 PM)

I know very very little about art, (visual art specifically) same as you, but I know how much it's a part of my every day.

Paintings, photographs, sculptures, miniatures. They just take my heart away and I am sure, you must be feeling attaracted to the view whenever you come across any. Sometimes if you have bene to some show and all, do share your experiences here and do share what all you like when it comes to art. I don't know how many of you are an artist yourself!!! Wow! that would be great to know.

I do appreciate dance, theatre, music, puppetry, but lemme limit myself only to visual art and keep performance art for later. This is because I wish to dedicate my album in MS to some of the art forms.

So I will be uploading some of my favourites and some of great interest & importance in the coming days. I hope you all enjoy seeing this and join me in appreciating art. All the images and the details would be a lift from net, so there is no connection between me and the image. but it might be just interesting to keep a compilation you know. And you can off course come and visit my personal art gallery!!! he he he. That was so mean I know.

So, guys, welcome to Zaara's Gallery. Applause!!!!

BTW: Thanks to MS for adding a feature to view larger images. :) :) ye ye!!! Yes, you can see a 'magnifying' icon right above any image. Click that and enjoy larger view.


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