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Paid members in MS?

By: enidhi | Posted Apr 06, 2008 | General | 633 Views | (Updated Apr 06, 2008 07:54 PM)

Looks like there’re some members in MS who are here with a strong hidden objective- To defend a particular brand (and or defame a competitor brand)

Mouthshut has grown significantly huge as a site and some corporates (especially who do not have strong fundamentals) have taken MS way too seriously. Looks like some companies have appointed some of their staff full time to keep an eye on sites like MS so that anything negative written about their company can be aggressively countered.

Of late I have noticed some members, who are totally indifferent to so many activities happening in MS, come out very very aggressively if anyone writes anything negative about a particular company. These members have no photo to share, hardly have anyone in their trust list, haven’t written/commented on anything other than about the product/company they are here to defend.

Any product or service will have some positive things and some negative aspects. A reviewer is expected to highlight all negative aspects and give some due credit to positive side as well. If someone tries to confuse people when he cant convince them and takes extreme positions about a company (not accepting a single negative aspect, even when others highlight it with proof) we’ll have to doubt the intentions of such people.

Several such users exist in MS defending a particular brand. Some people have created dozens of fake ids- they write a review with one ID, then login with different ids to rate and write comments supporting the review. (Example- read reviews written on Frontline Builders) MS admin can easily identify such activities by monitoring the ip address and some measures to keep such members at bay is very much essential, as such activities degrade the overall quality and sanity of a community website. (May be they’re ignorant because more the page views more will be revenue)

Or should we feel happy that some members are earning their lively hood by defending a particular brand?

Disclaimer: No offense is meant. Personal opinion only and reader discretion advised.

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