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By: santoouseph | Posted May 18, 2008 | General | 620 Views | (Updated Aug 24, 2008 06:58 PM)

(1)“My heart sinks whenever I think,what man has made of man”

(2)”I do not hanker after praise,nor seek reward,if my verses make no sense,I do not care a jot”

(3)”it is not business,but worship of god,renounce,ye ignorant,even the hope of reward”

(4)let not the charms of life,lure your heart,the universe is nothing but a mere web of thoughts”

(5)man is,in himself,a surging sea of thoughts,even when alone,we are amidst a bustling mart”

(6)when my face begins to glow gladdened by her sight,she thinks that the patient now is feeling fit and right”

(7)”the world to me is a kindergarden where children shout and play,a show goes on before me ,be it night or day.

(8)”love has lent to life an added zest and lure,given a cure for the ache,and an ache without a cure”

(9)”the rose bemocks the nightingale,and it’s pensive wails,what they call ‘love’ is a mark of mind derailed.

(10)”I wish to live at a lonesome place,with none to converse,none to communicate”

(11)”the throne of sulemaan is a plaything to me,the miracles of Christ are oft-told tales”

(12)”we the independent spirits are not deterred by dangerous paths,we light the candle of our chamber with the lightning blast”

(13)”your thoughts so deeply mystic,unmatched your style!You would be called a prophet,ghalib,but for your drinking craze”

(14)”even if a stream of blood inundates our heart and head,we are not the ones to budge even an inch from her gate”

(15)”donot make repeated pleas,to your lord,even if you do not speak,he can read your thought”

(16)”I’ve abjured wine,but off and on,still,on rainy days and moonlit nights I can’t resist the bowl”

(17)”restless feels again my heart,again it craves for mortal darts”

(18)”love,has rendered me unfit for life,I too was,otherwise,a useful man indeed”

(19)"he who understands our art becomes our slavebut he who doesn't,makes us his slave"

(20)"may you live for a thosand years,and each year contain fifty thousand days"

(21)"forgive the harshness of my words,forgive my angry way,

my heart,ghalib,is troubled by a rather severe ache"

(22)"when this is the way,our life is passed,shall we forget that we had a god?"

(23)"though reputed worldwide,do we exist at all?chase us not,i pray,we are shadows false.

(24)"tease me not,ghalib,i'm full of tears,ready at a touch to unleash a storm"

(25)"what ails thee,my silly heart?what cure for your ache,at last?

(26)"the flood of miseries,for the wise,serves,as a school for thought,every surge of angry waves recalls a teacher slapping hard."

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