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Love your life

By: kapadiarekha865 | Posted Jul 08, 2017 | General | 280 Views | (Updated Jul 08, 2017 05:43 PM)

Hello Readers, Lets talk about life, we all know what is life right? Some thinks they have the best life, some thinks they have average and there are some people who thinks it is worst according to them. why so? The reason behind all these category differentiation is "HOW WE WANT TO BE". Yes that's true my friends, Everyone has given one life, so why can't we enjoy it to the fullest, keeping all garbage things aside.

THIS IS THE WORLD and world has many different kind of people, some are positive and some are negative, some are selfless and some are egocentric,some are overthinking and some are careless. some are greedy some are generous, some are envy and some are liberal etc.etc.

Yes there are people who makes you smile,laughs,cares and always sees your positive sides and the same opposite is also exists, like there are peoples who are jealous of you, always try to find fault in you and trying to dominate you,harass you.

Buy why we consider such negative people? Why we give them rights to hurt ourselves? JUST CHUCK IT AWAY.

You have got just one life and why to spoil it because of such useless people? LIVE IT LOUD AND SHOW THE WORLD HOW HAPPY YOU ARE. Don't just get frustrate by such peoples, there are good people too, with whom you can enjoy every second of your life. Give importance to such peoples who makes life colorful and beautiful. Spend time with them and laugh like a little kid. if you are sad then share with them and cry like a little baby, they will support you and makes you smile. Even if you cry with such people you will feel better and will release tons of burden. It will surely sooth you and helping you out of that sadness.

Always remember all will like smiley face, not the sad one. And we here are to celebrate a "FESTIVAL CALLED LIFE". So why to spoil time considering peoples who don't care about you and who don't deserve space in your life. If frustrated DO ACTIVITY YOU LIKES THE MOST, MEET PEOPLE WHOSE COMPANY YOU ENJOY. DO SOME CRAZY THINGS THAT YOU EVER WANTED TO DO. Shout, laugh, dance, talk, paint, sing, run, do whatever you want to do, but HELP YOUR SELF TO BE HAPPY. Its only you who can control your emotions, then why to choose being sad? Choose to be happy always.

Open up your heart and live this beautiful life given by god.

Thanks for reading,

Stay blessed

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