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If I am Lucky Today...

By: mouneet | Posted Aug 28, 2008 | General | 615 Views

If I am lucky today,

I'll be able to give a lift to someone in need.

I'll be able to help someone cross the road.

I'll be able to carry a few bags for someone who can't.

I'll be able to see beauty in everything around me.

If I am lucky today,

Seeing a dead person will remind me, that I too shall pass away leaving everything behind.

Seeing someone unhappy, will give me a chance to make them smile.

Seeing poor people will remind me, that I am blessed with so much, that, I actually don't need.

Seeing someone angry will make me realize, how terrifying anger can be.

If I am lucky today,

I'll face challenges, that will teach me a few lessons.

I'll be a student and learn something in everything.

I'll make a difference in the life of at least one living being on earth.

I'll feel gratitude towards the creator for giving me much more than what I deserve.

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