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How would it feel to lose your home?

By: brandmaster | Posted Aug 19, 2008 | General | 313 Views

Imagine..your home, a dream you have cherished and built with care. whose every corner you have decorated to your taste. where everything has been designed to your comfort. where you always feel the most happiest. what if one fine day it is all taken away? what if someone else comes in and spoils it, throws around trash on your favourite bedsheet, messes up the beautifully selected vases, breaks your music system and destroys your lovely home?how would U feel? angry, hurt, sad?

if this is how much your home means to you - imagine how God must be feeling to see that the beautiful planet He has created is being carelessly handled and destroyed by humans?...

one pleasant weekend in a hill station away from this city is all it took for me to realise that if I dont take care of this planet, I will be doing great injustice to my children and the future generation. I was luck enough to enjoy the spectacular view and the breathtaking natural beauty of those rivers, valleys and hills - but will my child be as lucky?...doesnt she deserve to enjoy these too? who am I to deprive her of that joy with my selfishness?...

One earth. Lets save it.

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