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Here we go!!!

By: anm0879 | Posted Dec 18, 2008 | General | 476 Views

Hi friends nice to see people taking interests in my thoughts. Regarding my last was an emotional feed after some unpleasant happening..

But I take this opportunity to remind all the men in India about the glorified past the elegance the style they had ...ah the stylish Indian man who had much softness in words and the unforgettable courtesy in whatever they spoke......

It is really MANLY (I take no sorry in using this word as I feel Woman is an equally stronger word but is incomplete without guys should be happy when we use the word MAN)... to respect all the fellow beings...I truly feel that sexiest man is not the one dressed in best clothes but the one dressed with best mannerism and the constructive pride and ownership in being a man...

I do not support the debate for man versus woman because they are not meant to compete but to compliment each other..

My simple question to many times have you seen a girl doing Adam tease? wish it was Why do we feel bad when woman demand respect..dont they deserve that? We give birth to your babies, we take care of you and your house, we are even becoming your financial support in all the dreams be it a good house or a good life for the kids.....then why so much noise when we demand respect..

We listen to everything that men say..still try to be a pillar of we deserve to be punished for that..argued for that...or be respected, choice is yours...

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