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Girls Beware and Be Safe

By: laxmiachar | Posted Jul 13, 2010 | General | 387 Views

Yesterday night there was a incident happened to a girl in front of my eyes.

I was coming back from Forum Around 11. Near the Church of Madiwala there was a signal and Maruti Omni was standing there. I just crossed the van and One girl crossed me. Once she went near the van the People in the van Pulled her in and the girl started shouting and what I heard is huge slap and they started driving. There were people around a few feet away from that place.

I tried to catch the Van and ran behind it and few others who were standing there also started chasing with their bikes. But hardly the van was running like a race Car. I think nobody would be able to catch them. It was too fast. We went to Police Station to file a complaint against the van. But the police responded at the least bothered. For them we were disturbing their sleep.


Ensure that You are not going alone anywhere after nights. Even if you go by auto to home in night don’t go alone. Help others as well. Drop in by your home. Don’t take any risks. Life Matters.

Pass this to all girls whom u know and make them aware of whats happening. This should not happen to any other girls. Lets not give chances to those.

It happened no where other than Madiwala. Plz take necessary steps for your safety. That too while going late ensure u r guarded by somebody and don’t pass the stupid Omni. Still there are people using that for Kidnapping.

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