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Big Boss

By: dream.boy | Posted Sep 26, 2008 | General | 198 Views

The day beings with the entry of a new guest!! The housemates wake up to find a new entrant in the house, Mr Rathore a dummy. Bigg Boss has assigned a new task 'Dance Marathon Part II' to the housemates wherein they will have to look after and be with this new guest all the time. The task has been delegated to Diana, Ashaan, Zulfi and Sambhavana. The have to entertain this guest and give him company through out the day.

The Dance Marathon part I continue through out the day, with Ashaan, Debojit, Zulfi and the group songs playing at various intervals.

Voting and eviction talks go around in the house amongst the housemates, everyone debating as to who will go on Friday and who will stay.

Bigg Boss gives a secret task to Rahul and Raja – he calls them in the confession room and gives them chocolates and tells them to taste them and describe the taste and explain the same to Bigg boss.

On the other hand the other house mates have been given another task of separating the various pluses that have given to them. They have been told not to involve Rahul and Raja in this task.

Raja and Rahul come up with various stories, why were they called inside and what did Bigg Boss tell them.

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