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The Blame Game

By: subz | Posted Jun 09, 2009 | My Road Experience | 478 Views

I was driving my car through one of the village roads in Kerala. Saw one bus parked in one side. A pick up van was parked in other side. There was just enough space for me to go past the bus. The bus driver showed signal for me to pass.

The pick up was being loaded with fish trays. As I was passing the bus, the person who was loading the tray carelessly threw one over the van and it came pounding on my car's side. Ah!!. I stopped the car. Had a look at the damage done. It was a scratch.

Suddenly I heard someone shouting at me to quickly leave the place or else I will suffer. To my surprise I saw that the person who threw the fish tray along with his friends in good number were starting to frighten me by abuses. They were saying that I did some mistake due to which this happened.

What should I do?

Should I stand up and fight. But what will I gain? Will the scratch go? No.

Will they give money to repaint this? No.

Should I start blaming them, just to satisfy my ego?

I just gave them a look, got inside my car and decided to forget the incident as soon as I can, which, if I failed to do will spoil my picnic.

But the question still remains, Did they start the blame game just to hide their fault?

Or is it by their instinct they started it?

What is the best way to react in such situations?

Luckily the damage to my vehicle was minimal. What if, it was something major?

Whatever it is the scratch remains!!

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