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What is an essay and how to write it?

By: dorishall09 | Posted Mar 26, 2020 | General | 806 Views

Follow along because this article will give the reader progressive steps to writing an awesome essay. Let’s start by getting the true definition of the word ‘essay’. Merriam- Webster dictionary defines the word essay a short piece of writing that tells a person’s thoughts or opinions about a subject.

Topic: An assigned topic or one of the writers’ choice. To write an essay of any type one must have something to write about. Decide in which direction the essay needs to go.

Brainstorming: Writers can brainstorm in different ways. A list of words or phrases centered on a topic. Construct a few questions and answer them using research notes while including personal views. Think outside the box by writing from a different prospective. Playing devil’s advocate can prove helpful. Choosing the topic allows them to write about a subject that they are an expert in or something that has sparked their attention. Overview or an analysis, informative or persuasive an essay must have a purpose. Assigned topics are sometimes a review of information already learned. Although, additional research is always beneficial. Continue to recognize the importance of research throughout this article.

Thesis Statement: By now they have a topic and has gathered needed information through doing research. Also written down some key points of view to express. A thesis statement is the opening sentence that will set the tone of the essay. This sentence is a writer’s first chance to hypnotize the audience, so make it count.

The Body: the body of your essay is where they want to let it all flow. By all means the writer should argue, complain, and express themselves with unprecedented feeling. Do not forget to be clear, effective and concise. Make the point but also back it up. Not everyone values another person’s opinion but everyone values the facts to some degree.

Conclusion: A closing statement should summarize the essay. Finalize an essay by reinforcing the major points in it.

The essay is not finished yet. Add the finishing touches to a research essay by reviewing the objectives. Everything should flow from beginning to end. Check buy an essay grammar, spelling, format and structure make sure it is an original piece. Once they are sure that everything is correct only then is it complete. That is when the writer knows they produced a successfully written an effective essay.

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